
Cancellations and refunds

  • If you wish to cancel your order, please contact home of tomorrow’s Customer Services online. As Home of tomorrow tries to process orders immediately it may not always be possible to prevent an order from being dispatched.
  • Orders must be available for return within 24hrs from delivery.
  • Any electronic or mobile product deemed defective must be inspected by an authorized service center appointed by Home of tomorrow in order to validate its condition before an exchange/refund is given.
  • If you are not satisfied with the quality of the Product you have purchased, you may call Customer Services and a representative will assess your request for a replacement product, credit, or refund of the purchase price.
  • If Home of Tomorrow has sent you an incorrect product, please notify customer services as soon as possible and they will arrange pickup. If you would like home of tomorrow to replace the incorrect product with the product you ordered Home of Tomorrow will send you the correct product as soon as possible.
  • Please note that once Home of Tomorrow has dispatched products to you, you will not be able to cancel the provision of any additional services carried out by Home of Tomorrow at your request (e.g., gift wrapping). As soon as Home of Tomorrow receives notice of your cancellation of a product, Home of Tomorrow will refund the relevant part of the purchase price for that product.
  • Where Home of Tomorrow agrees that the Products can be returned, and in case you paid for your Products with credit card for the value of the Products will be applied to the same credit card.
  • Home of Tomorrow reserves the right to refuse to provide a refund for any products in circumstances where it is clear that the goods have been used (such as, without limitation, having their packaging tampered with or no longer being in original packaging) or where such a refund would be prohibited by law or regulation in any country that could be held to have jurisdiction over that refund.

Returns & Refunds

  • You have the right to return the purchased products and receive a full refund within 24 hours of delivery if the product still sealed with the original wrap and packaging. Once the courier receives the product again, please note that the refund will be done within 14 working days to the same credit card used in purchase & after checking the products’ conditions.
  • You have the right to cancel the order while processing & just before dispatch from warehouse to address, without any deduction or additional fee. Please contact the customer service team immediately if you wish to cancel or return the ordered product.
  • Warranty is valid for 2 years of purchase on all electronic products, as you are kindly requested to contact our customer service to hand in the defective product to get service center report and proceed in repair or exchange, after service center diagnosis.
  • In case the refund is accepted by Home of Tomorrow after dispatching, please note that some fees will not be refunded such as delivery cost.
  • In case of misuse in the product, Home of Tomorrow will notify you with an official report by service center and share alternative options if available.
  • Products on sale or discount cannot be refunded; they can only be exchanged if proven to have manufacturing defects after sending the product to supplier for assessment.
  • Original receipt or invoice, which been sent to your email upon purchase, must be available for refund or exchanges claim.
  • Gadget or non-electronic products are not subjected to warranty, in case you experienced damage in product upon unsealing the package; please take photo of the defective item and contact customer service team via support email and our team will be happy to assist you.
  • Time frame for exchange policy if manufacturer defect or misuse are there within 3 days.
  • In case of refund to the customer, it takes up to 14 days to return the money to the customer’s card.